When I Followed a Lass

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 Theme code Index    3312 3221
 Also known as    Joan's Placket
 Composer/Core Source    
 Region    Scotland
 Genre/Style    Scottish
 Meter/Rhythm    Air/Lament/Listening Piece, Country Dance, Jig/Quadrille
 Key/Tonic of    G
 Accidental    1 sharp
 Mode    Ionian (Major)
 Time signature    6/8
 Structure    AABB
 Editor/Compiler    Biography:James Aird
 Book/Manuscript title    Book:Selection of Scotch English Irish and Foreign Airs vol. 2
 Tune and/or Page number    No. 95, p. 35
 Year of publication/Date of MS    1785
 Title of recording    
 Record label/Catalogue nr.    
 Year recorded    
 Score   (1)   

X:1 T:When I Followed a Lass M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Air S:Aird – Selection of Scotch, English, Irish and Foreign Airs, vol. II (1785) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G G/A/ | B>cB BAG | GAG A2 d/c/ | B>AG AGF | AGA GGA | BcB BAG | ABA Adc | BAG AGF | G2G G2 :| |: d | g2d e2d | dgd e2d | gfe dBG | ABA A2 d/c/ | BcB BAG | ABA Adc | BAG AGF | GGG G2 :|]

X:1 T:When I Follow’d a Lass M:6/8 L:1/8 R: S:The Buttery Manuscript (c. 1784-1820, No. 512) N:John Buttery (1784-1854) joined the 34th Regiment in Lincoln, N:Lincolnshire, England, in 1797 and served as a fifer until discharged in N:1814. His large ms. contains marches, duty calls, dance tunes and airs. N:EASMES identifies this as the Fife MS. and suggests a date of 1780, see N:https://www.cdss.org/elibrary/Easmes/Index.htm Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G (G/A/)|B>cB B>AG|ABA A2 d/c/|B>AG A>GF|GAG G2 (G/A/)| B>cB B>AG|ABA Adc|BAG AGF|G2 G G2:| |:d|g2d Te2d|dgd Te2d|gfe dBG|ABA A2 d/c/| BcB BAG|ABA Adc|BAG AGF|GGG G2:|]