Morning Thrush (The)

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 Theme code Index    3H2H1H5 5553H
 Also known as    Fuiseog na maidine, Thrush in the Morning (The)
 Composer/Core Source    Biography:James Ennis
 Region    Ireland
 Genre/Style    Irish
 Meter/Rhythm    Reel (single/double)
 Key/Tonic of    D
 Accidental    2 sharps
 Mode    Ionian (Major)
 Time signature    4/4
 Structure    AA'BBCC'
 Book/Manuscript title    
 Tune and/or Page number    
 Year of publication/Date of MS    
 Artist    Biography:Séamus Ennis
 Title of recording    The Return from Fingal
 Record label/Catalogue nr.    RTÉ RTECD 199
 Year recorded    1997
 Score   (1)   

X:1 T:Morning Thrush, The M:4/4 L:1/8 C:James Ennis S:Brian McNamara R:reel D:Piper's Dream - Z:Naka Ishii K:D fag | f2ef d2AF | AdAF Af{g}fe | dAAF DF~F2 | ABdf ef{g}fe | dAAF dAAF | BAFA dADE | {F}EDFA defa |1 {b}afef d:|2 {b}afef d2| |:(3ABc| dgfe fa{b}af | g2{a}ge fgfe | dcde fa{b}af | gefd egfe | dgfe fa~a2 | bfaf ecdB | ADFA defa | {b}afef d2  :| |:(3ABc| dAAF BdAF | D2{GDE}DB ADFA | dF~F2 dFBF | ABdf ef{g}fe | dAAF DF~F2 | BdAF DF~F2 | ABde fagb |1 afef d2:|2 afef d||