Annotation:Welsh Dance (A)

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X:1 T:Welsh Dance, A M:C| L:1/8 R:Hornpipe Q:"Brisk" B:John Watlen - The Celebrated Circus Tunes (Edinburgh, 1791, p. 28) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G G>FG>A F>EF>D |E>DE>C D2B,2|C>B,C>D E>FG>G,|C>A,D>D G,/(G/G, G,2)!End!:|| b>ab>c' a>ga>f|g>fg>a f2 f2|g>fg>e ^d>BB>f|g>ee^d e2e2|| E>FG>A B>cd>e|c>BA>d B>A G2|B>AB>c d>ef>g|a>be>g f>e d2 {cBA}!D.C.!||

WELSH DANCE, A. AKA and see "Hedge Lane." The tune was printed in London early in the 18th century by Playford and Walsh as the country dance "Hedge Lane."

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Printed sources : - Aird (Selection of Scotch, English, Irish and Foreign Airs, vol. 4), 1796; No. 129, p. 50. John Watlen (The Celebrated Circus Tunes), Edinburgh, 1791; p. 28.

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