Annotation:Now Roger I'll tell thee because thou'rt my son

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NOW ROGER, I'LL TELL THEE, BECAUSE THOU ART MY SON. AKA - "When a Wife's in her Pout." English, Air (6/4 time). G Minor. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. The air was published by John Gay in his Beggar's Opera [1] (1729), where it is the indicated tune for Gay's song "When a wife's in her pout":

When a Wife's in her Pout,
(As she's sometimes, no doubt;)
The good Husband as meek as a Lamb,
Her Vapours to still,
First grants her her Will,
And the quieting Draught is a Dram,
Poor Man!
And the quieting Draught is a Dram.

Kidson (1922) states that a traditional version of this song begins:

And now my dear Robin, since thou art my son,
I'll give you good counsel in life,
Go haste thee away and make no delay
And I'll warrant I'll get the a wife.

Source for notated version:

Printed sources: Raven (English Country Dance Tunes), 1984; p. 65. Gay (Beggar's Opera), 1729; Air XLVIII.

Recorded sources:

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