Annotation:My Love is in America (4)

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X:1 T:My Love is in America [4] M:C L:1/8 R:Reel N:Compare with "Longford Collector" B:Rev. Luke Donnellan, “Oriel Songs and Dances”, Journal of the County B:Louth Archaeological Society vol. 2, No. 2 (Sept. 1909); No. 102. B: Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G F|G2 GA Bcdc|Beed Beeg|G2 GA BcdB|(3ABc BA GEEf:| geef gefd|Beed Beef|geef gedB|(3ABc BA GEEg| geef gefd|Beed Beef|geaf fedB|(3ABc BA GE E2||

MY LOVE IS IN AMERICA [4]. Irish, Reel (whole or cut time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB (O'Connor): AAB (Donnellan). Researcher Conor Ward links Donnellan's "My Love is in America (4)" with "Longford Collector," a distanced but cognate version.

Additional notes
Source for notated version : - Rev. Luke Donnellan music manuscript collection (Oriel region, south Ulster) [O'Connor].

Printed sources : - Rev. Luke Donnellan, “Oriel Songs and Dances” (Journal of the County Louth Archeological Society, vol. II), No. 2, 1909; No. 102. O’Connor (The Rose in the Gap), 2018; No. 84, p. 60.

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