Annotation:Mr. McLaine's Scotch-Measure

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X:1 T:Mr. McLaine's Scotch Measure N:C| L:1/8 R:Country Dance B:Henry Playford - Scotch Tunes (1700) K:C ED|C3E DCDE|G2D2D2 ED|C3E DCDE|GEDC c3d| edce dcBd|cBAG D3E|CDEF GEcG|E2 DC C2:| |:ed|c2 gf efga|f2 ed d2 ed|c2 gf efga|gfed c3d| edce dcBd|cBAG D3E|CDEF GEcG|E2 DC C2:||

MR. McLAINES SCOTCH MEASURE. AKA - "MacLean's Scotch Measure." AKA and see "MacLauchlane's Scotch Measure." Scottish, Country Dance (cut time). C Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. The melody is categorized as a Scottish Measure, a type of country dance. It appears in Henry Playford's 1700 collection of Scottish dance tunes and in the Blaikie MS of 1692 (as "Maclean's Scots Measure"). The Blaikie MS. is a music manuscript collection of tunes for the Viol da Gamba, from engraver Andrew Blaikie of Paisley. Scottish fiddler and writing master David Young included it in his MacFarlane Manuscript (c.1741) as "MacLean's Scotch Measure."

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Printed sources : - Playford (A Collection of Original Scotch Tunes), 1700; No. 1, p. 1.

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