Annotation:Duke of Cumberland's Reel

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X:1 T:Duke of Cumberland's Reel M:C L:1/8 R:Reel S:John Rook music manuscript collection (1840, p. 21) N:Rook was a multi-instrumentalist from Waverton, near Wigton, Cumbria Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G A|GB/c/dc BGGB|GB/c/dB AFFA|GB/c/dB ecdB|cAfc BGG:| |:c|B/c/d gd BGGB|A/B/c fc AFFc|B/c/d gd ecdB|cAfc BGG:|]

DUKE OF CUMBERLAND'S REEL. AKA and see "Clodun Reel," "Duke's Reel (1)," "Ploughman's Reel." English, Reel (cut time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. "Duke of Cumberlands Reel" is contained in the 1840 music manuscript collection of multi-instrumentalist John Rook, of Waverton, near Wigton, Cumbria. It is a close version of Robert Bremner's "Clodun Reel." Some eighty years before Rook entered the tune in his ms., it was entered as "Duke's Reel (1)" into the music manuscript of another Cumbrian musician, Joseph Barnes. Barnes' contemporary, Northumbrian musician William Vickers, named the tune "Ploughman's Reel" in his 1770 music manuscript.

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