Annotation:Duchess of Middlesex (The)

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X:1 T:Dutchess of Middlesex (The) M:2/4 L:1/8 S:George Bush manuscript (1779) K:G gdBG|AA/c/ Bd|gdBG|A/G/A/B/ G2:| |:BB/c/ BA|cc/d/ cB|gdBG|A/G/A/B/ G2:| |:B/d/B/d/B/d/B/d/|c/e/c/e/c/e/c/e/|B/d/B/d/B/d/B/d/|F/A/F/A/F/A/F/A/| B/d/B/d/B/d/B/d/|c/e/c/e/c/e/c/e/|gdBG|A/G/A/B/ G2:||

DUCHESS OF MIDDLESEX, THE. American (?), Country Dance (2/4 time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABBCC. The title seems unique to American musician Capt. George Bush, of the Continental Army. There are Middlesex counties in Virginia, Massachusetts and New Jersey, named for the historical Middlesex County in England (since absorbed into Greater London).

Additional notes
Source for notated version : - the music manuscript of Captain George Bush (1753-1797), a fiddler and officer in the Continental army during the American Revolution [Keller].

Printed sources : - Barnes (English Country Dance Tunes), 1986. Keller (Fiddle Tunes from the American Revolution), 1992; p. 14.

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