Annotation:Billy in the Woods

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X:1 T:Billy in the Woods M:2/4 L:1/8 R:reel B:George P. Knauff - Virginia Reels, vol. III (Baltimore, 1839) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:C G|ce/c/ (g/c/e/c/)|(f/c/a/c/) (g/c/e/c/)|(G/c/e/c/) (g/c/e/c/)|(B/d/c/e/) dG| ce/c/ (g/c/e/c/)|(f/c/a/c/) (g/c/e/c/)|(d/a/g/B/) (d/a/g/B/)|(d/a/g/B/) c:| |:g|ge/g/ (d/g/e/g/)|(c'/b/c'/g/) (f/e/d/c/)|(E/G/c/E/) (F/A/d/c/)|(B/G/A/B/) cG| (c/e/g/e/) (d/f/a/f/)|(e/g/a/b/) (c'/b/c'/g/)|(a/g/e/c/) af/d/|(B/G/A/B/ c:||

BILLY IN THE WOODS. American, Reel (2/4 time). C Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. The melody was published in George P. Knauff's Virginia Reels, vol. III (Baltimore, 1839, No. 5, p. 3).

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Printed sources : - Knaff (Virginia Reels, vol. 3), 1839; No. 5, p. 3.

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