Annotation:Alabama Gals

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ALABAMA GALS. American, Reel and Air. G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. Under the "Alabama Gals" title in north Georgia and central Alabama, although more widely known as "Buffalo Gals (1)". This popular melody was in the repertoire of Fiddlin' John Carson (north Ga., 1922) under this title. It was predicted (in the Chilton County {Ala.} News of June 1st, 1922) to "vie with the latest jazz nerve wreckers for first place" at a Chilton County convention (Cauthen, 1990). See note for "annotation:Buffalo Gals (1)" for more information. African-American fiddler Joe Thompson played this tune in GDGD tuning.

I know a gal with a wart on her chin,
Her eyes turned out and her ears turned in;
She's a darned good gal for the shape she's in
And I told her just to come out tonight.
Alabama Gals won't you come out tonight,
Come out tonight, come out tonight,
Alabama Gals won't you come out tonight,
And dance by the light of the moon.

Source for notated version: Woodring and Neithammer (Pa.) [Kuntz].

Kuntz (Ragged but Right), 1987; p. 323.

Recorded Sources: Marimac Cassette, "Tuesday Nite Live."