Annotation:Sweep's Hornpipe (5)

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X:14 T:Sweeps Hornpipe [5]. BF13.013 M:2/2 L:1/8 Q:1/2=90 B:MS13,Browne family,c1825,Lake District A:Cumbria, England N: Z:vmp.Cherri Graebe. K:D Major A2|FDFA gfed|c2A2A2dc|BAGF GBAG|F2D2D2DE| FDFD AFAF|BGBG cAcA|dfed cABG|A2A2A2:| |:cd|ecAc ecAc|f2d2d2de|fdfd Bdfd|"^NB"g2e2e2 fg| afdf ecA2|dBGB AF D2|ABAG "^crots in ms"FDEC|D2"^Quas in ms"D2D2:| W:Bar 12 given as (g4ee fg) in ms. CGP.

SWEEP'S HORNPIPE [5]. AKA and see "Blue Eyed Molly," "Chimney Sweeper's Hornpipe," "Marfull Hornpipe (The)." English, Hornpipe (cut time). D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. "Sweep's Hornpipe [5]" is contained in Book 13 of the c. 1825 music manuscript collection of the Browne Family, Troutbeck, Lake District, Cumbria. It can be found in the c. 1850 music manuscript of John Roose, Manchester, as "Chimney Sweeper's Hornpipe", and in the mid-19th century John Clare music manuscript (Northhamptonshire) as "Marfull Hornpipe (The)." The Harding Co. published it around the turn of the 20th century in New York as "Blue Eyed Molly"[1].

Additional notes
Source for notated version : - Browne Family music manuscript collection (Book 13, No, 13, Troutbeck, Lake District, Cumbria) [Offord].

Printed sources : - Offord (Bonny Cumberland), 2018; p. 66.

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  1. Many of the titles in the Harding collections are non-traditional, probably supplied by an editor of the series when no other title was available.