Annotation:Lass on the Strand (1) (The)

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X:1 T:Lass on the Strand [1] (The) M:C L:1/8 K:G g>a|b>gd>B G>Bd>g|f>e c>A E2e2|d>c A>F D>c B>A|G>A B>c d2 g>a| b>gd>B G>B d>g|f>e c>A E2e2|d>c A>F D>c B>A|G2B2G2:| K:D |:a2|g>e c>A ^G>A B>c|d>e f>^g a2b2|a>=ge>c A>gf>e|f>d A>F D2a2| g>e c>A ^G>A B>c|d>ef>^g a2b2|a>ge>c A>gf>e|d2f2d2:||

LASS ON THE STRAND [1], THE. AKA and see "Belfast Hornpipe (2)." English, Hornpipe. G Major ('A' part) & D Major ('B' part). Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. Reg Hall (1998) says the tune has had enough currency in Northumberland to be considered local. The first strain is shared with "Belfast Hornpipe (1)," "Sweeps Hornpipe (1)," and "Millicent's Hornpipe." "Lass on the Strand (1)" is really "Belfast Hornpipe (2)," but the titles have become confused due to the similarity between versions of "Belfast Hornpipe" and "Lass on the Strand."

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Printed sources : - Kennedy (Fiddlers Tune Book, vol. 2), 1954; p. 2. Raven (English Country Dance Tunes), 1984; p. 172; P.J. Giblin (Collection of Traditional Irish Dance Music...), 1928, p. 29 (as the "Strand Hornpipe").

Recorded sources : - Topic TSCD 669, Will Atkinson (et al) - "Ranting and Reeling: Dance Music of the north of England" (1998. Atkinson {b. 1908} of Crookham, Northumberland, was an accordion player).

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