Annotation:Hessian Dragoons March (The)

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X:1 T:Hessian Dragoons March, The M:2/4 L:1/8 R:March B:Thompson - Compleat Tutor for the Fife (1760, p. 27) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G (B/c/)|dB/c/ dd|(d/^c/)(d/e/) dg/e/|(dc)(cB)|TA/>G/A/B/ A(3g/f/e/| dc/>d/ cB|TA/>G/A/B/ AG/A/|BB/c/ dc/B/|{B}A3:| |:B|AA/B/ AB|c/B/c/d/ c(3B/c/d/|Ted e/d/c/B/|A/G/F/E/ DB/c/| dB/c/ dg|dc/B/ cA/B/|cA/B/ ca|cTB/>A/ Bd|e/>d/g/>c/ BTA|!fermata!G3:|]

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