Annotation:Heroes of Salamanca

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X:18 C:Page 09 T:Hero(e)s of Salamanca. MBe.18 A:England;Cumbria;Towcett B:Matthew Betham MS, Towcett Cumbria, 1815 Z:VMP - Hugh Taylor, 2012 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:3/8=100 R: N:The battle of Salamanca was fought in 1812 in Spain, so the book must be later than this. N:NB1-These first two semi-quavers were written before the repeat mark. I have deleted the repeat mark. N:NB2-The last bar of the A has two crotchets written. I have changed the first to a dotted crotchet. K:D "^NB1"A/G/|!segno!F2 F {A} GFG|AFD DFA|BAB dcB|ABG FGE| F2 F {A} GFG|AFD DFA|Bgf eac|"^NB2"(d3 d2)!fine!:| |:(c/d/)|e2 c Ace|f2 d Adf|g2 e f2 d|{cd}e2 c A2 c/d/| {f} e2 c Ace|{g} f2 d Adf|efd cdB|ABG FGE!D.C.!:|

HEROES OF SALAMANCA. English, Jig and Country Dance Tune (6/8 time). D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABA. "Heroes of Salamanca" is contained in the 1815 music manuscript collection of Matthew Betham of Towcett, Cumbria, although contributions to the ms. were also made by William Docker, and there is evidence of other hands as well. The ms. is partially dated by this entry, as the Battle of Salamanca, Spain, was fought in the year 1812. A variant of the tune was printed by James S. Kerr in the 1880's under the section "Irish Jigs" as an untitled quick step (see "Kerr's Irish Quickstep").

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Printed sources : - Knowles (A Northern Lass), 1995; p. 30.

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