Annotation:Cow Bit Off the Miller's Thumb (The)

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X:1 T:Cow Bitt Off the Miller's Thum [sic] M:4/4 L:1/8 S:William Vickers' music manuscript (1770) F: Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D ABAF AFdF|ABdF E/E/E B2|AFDF A/A/A a>g|fdef d/d/d d2:| |:afdf abaf|gafg ee/e/ ef/g/|afdf abaf|geaf d/d/d de/f/| afdf dBAF|BddF E/E/E B2|FAGB Aaeg|fdef d/d/d d2:||

COW BIT OFF THE MILLER'S THUMB, THE. AKA and see "Bonnie Susie," "Drunken Scotchman (The)," "Drunken Scotsman," "Hamilton House (6)," "Highland Rant (2)," "MacLeod's Reel (2)."

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