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X:1 T:Jinrikisha M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Hornpipe S:Ryan's Mammoth Collection (1883) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D (3A/B/c/ | .d.d d/A/d/f/ | .e.e e/A/c/e/ | f/e/d/c/ d/f/a/f/ | e/d/c/B/ .A(B/c/) | .d.d d/A/d/f/ | .e.e e/A/c/e/ | f/a/f/d/ e/g/e/c/ | dfd :| |: f/g/ | a/d/F/A/ d/F/A/d/ | B/d/G/B/ d/G/B/G/ | A/d/F/A/ d/A/F/A/ | G/A/F/G/ .E(F/G/) | A/d/F/A/ d/F/A/d/ | B/d/G/B/ d/G/B/G/ | F/A/d/A/ B/g/e/c/ | dfd :|]

JINRIKISHA. See related tune "Constitution Hornpipe (1)." American, Hornpipe. D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. A jinrikisha is "a light two-wheeled hooded vehicle, drawn by one or more men. Shortened colloq. to rickshaw" [Oxford Dictionary]. 'A' part is the same as that of "Constitution Hornpipe" and an untitled Pennsylvania collected reel in F major in Bayard (Dance to the Fiddle), 1981, No. 138, p. 75.

Compare also with the jig "Capuchin (1) (The)," cognate in the first strain and harmonically similar in the second (although the melody differs).

Additional notes

Printed sources : - Cole (1000 Fiddle Tunes), 1940; p. 92. Ryan's Mammoth Collection, 1883; p. 125.

Recorded sources : - AliaVox AVSA 9865, Jordi Savall - "The Celtic Viol" (2008).

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